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大学英语四级考试模拟试题 (四

2008/1/31 12:42:04   浙江网   城市网

1. A) Take her to the airport.     B) Take the report to a typist. 
   C) Repair the typewriter.      D) Type for a few minutes. 

2. A) The man will probably go to Canada for his vacation. 
   B) The man will probably stay home for his vacation. 
   C) The man will probably not go to Canada for his vacation. 
   D) The man will probably wait until summer to go to Mexico. 

3. A) 9:10.  B) 9.20.  C) 8:40.  D) 9:30. 

4. A) Stay home and do her own exercise. 
   B) Rest and take care of herself. 
   C) Catch up with her reading. 
   D) Take a walk with her friends. 

5. A) At school.            B) At the office. 
   C) At home.             D) At the telephone. 

6. A) In a restaurant.         B) In a museum. 
   B) At a concert.          D) At a flower shop. 

7. A) Traveling a lot.         B) Getting a lot of exercise. 
   C) Working too hard.        D) Waiting for the train. 

8. A) ??300.     B) ??112.  C) ??150.   D) ??200. 

9. A) Doctor and patient.       B) Boss and employee. 
   C) Father and daughter.       D) Teacher and student. 

10. A) Something happened to her car. 
   B) The highway was too crowded. 
   C) She did some shopping on her way to the office. 
   D) She got up too late to catch the bus. 

Passage 1 Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 

11. A) Because the speaker was an artist. 
   B) Because she was always hard-working. 
   C) Because she liked the artist's paintings. 
   D) Because the subject was important. 

12. A) 7:30.   B) 9:00.   C) 8:30.   D) 9:30. 

13. A) She did not know how to set an alarm clock. 
   B) She had difficulty getting up early. 
   C) She often missed her classes. 
   D) She did not like her brother-in-law. 

Passage 2Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 

14. A) potatoes.            B) Happiness. 
   C) Physical attraction.       D) Love. 

15. A) Wedding is not essential to marriage. 
   B) Wedding is necessary for a good marriage. 
   C) Love is not essential to marriage. 
   D) Love is harmful to a good marriage. 

16. A) Cultures. 
   B) Love and Marriage. 
   C) Marriage--A Traditional Practice. 
   D) Marriage and Wedding. 

Passage 3Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 

17. A) It came from gods.        B) It came from thunder. 
   C) It was a natural phenomenon.   D) It was a weapon. 

18. A) The first metal wires.      B) The first lightning rod. 
   C) Metal fences.          D) Electricity. 

19. A) About one person per day dies from lightning in the U.S. 
   B) About 365 persons per year die from lightning in the U.S. 
   C) About one person per hour dies from lightning in the U.S. 
   D) About 30 persons per month die from lightning in the U.S. 

20. A) At open doorways.        B) Under a tree. 
   C) On the high ground.       D) In a closed car. 


21. Those are very pleasant rooms? How much do you _______ them? 
   A) want   B) ask   C) demand   D) ask for 

22. I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is______ . 
   A) in question           B) out of question 
   C) out of the question       D) at random 

23. His parents no longer worry about him. He has a good job and can live 
   _______ now. 
   A) at his own.           B) by his own 
   C) on his own            D) with his own 

24. Her face _______ when she told a lie. 
   A) gave her off           B) gave her out 
   C) gave her away          D) gave her up 

25. John's youngest son is _______ architecture. 
   A) making up for          B) putting up for 
   C) going in for           D) standing up for 

26. On my present salary, I just can't _______ a car which costs over 
   A) adapt   B) adopt   C) afford    D) elect 

27. It was four hours before she _______ after the operation on her heart. 
   A) came round            B) carried through 
   C) got across            D) restored 

28. The purpose of the research had a more different meaning for them 
   than _______ . 
   A) ours               B) it did for us 
   C) that of ours           D) it did from us 

29. _______ by an exercise of self-control _______ he allowed 
   himself to raise his eyes as they came in. 
   A) It was only / that        B) Only / that 
   C) It was only / when        D) It was only / had 

30. A table made of steel costs more than ______ made of wood. 
   A) that   B) which    C) one    D) it is 

31. Are the students _______ about the examination? 
   A) talking           B) discussing 
   C) saying            D) telling 

32. It has always _______ me why you believe the Earth is flat. 
   A) worried  B) wondered   C) puzzled  D) confused 

33. Since you are to catch the early train tomorrow morning, we _______ now. 
   A) had better to leave    B) must have left 
   C) might as well leave     D) should have to leave 

34. It was very cold _______ they still went swimming. 
   A) but             B) in spite that 
   C) however           D) though 

35. By the end of 1908, most scientists began to accept the aeroplane 
   A) a reality         B) to be a reality 
   C) as a reality        D) being a reality 

36. By the time John reached the plateau he was _______. 
   A) exhaustive          B) exhaustible 
   C) exhausted          D) exhausting 

37. The car was repaired but not quite to the owner's _______. 
   A) pleasure          B) satisfaction 
   C) joy             D) attraction 

38. Since the light is out in their room, they _______. 
   A) may have slept        B) must have gone to bed 
   C) might go to bed       D) can have gone to bed 

39. I could tell he was surprised from the _______ on his face. 
   A) appearance B) shock   C) sight   D) expression 

40. I never _______ a chance of improving my English if I can help it. 
   A) miss    B) lose
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